Met up with a lady friend in
Carrefour for an
expresso and a croissant (Petit dejeuner 'en France) this morning, I was going to opt for a healthy 'very berry' smoothie, a tall skinny double shot latte and a bowl of granola with Greek yogurt but she was too busy to come to my favourite Pret in Piccadilly because she had a date that evening and in any event I had to pick the kids up from school anyway!
Dating: Now this was my real reason for the meeting, this woman had experience by the lorry load and I had heard through the Grapevine that in her latest pursuit of the perfect Pierre she had resorted to dating Internet
stylie. She loved it, she loved the
chatrooms, the instant messaging, the ability to chat up eight men at once and all whilst sitting at home in her dressing gown and rollers gulping down her favourite Chardonnay, she just wished that there were more English speakers and locals on the site, they are there of course but there is a whole lot of country to trawl through before you can find them. All in all though, she could not enthuse enough and in fact could not hang around because she needed to get her roots done for her next rendevous. I liked the sound of this, playing Eros to all the ex-pats and collecting a tenner a month of each of them. Maybe I am on to something at last