Looking at a product called AngloInfo which is the main forum/site here on the French Riviera to gather information, swap ideas and chat. It is great and everyone here uses it, partly because of its great functionality and partly because there is just no where else to go. There is a huge population of English speaking folk between Monaco and St Tropez and they are a great target market. I have called up AI and they work on a franchise basis with head office running about 1/3 of around 30 sites. Most of their sites are in France but they also have franchises as far afield as Singapore and San Paulo. I am toying with the idea of looking at their franchise for The French Alps, they seem keen but to be honest it al just seems a bit to much of a tired and sleepy product for me.
New media and the web is such an exciting and vibrant place to be and this is very much anything but that.It is difficult to believe that one of the most exciting and glamorous places in the world has nothing with a bit of life in it. The same can be said of our radio station (Riviera radio) and the bi-monthly magazine (Riviera Reporter) , they are great and they serve a function but why carry about a ten year old Motorola transportable phone weighing three kilos when you can slip a sexy 3G I-Phone in the silk lined pocket of your Ozwald Boateng suit.
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