I searched the Internet for a photo of a bored person and this is the best I can find; I know I am not Chinese and what hair I have left, is certainly not black but there is no denying that this fella looks bored and I for sure am bored too. I want to work and I NEED to earn some money, I miss lots about London people but I certainly do not want go back, so I need something to do desperately. Business has been kind to me and divorce not so kind but hey, I am happy at least and now just figure I need to work out something to do. I keep getting bollocked for being on Facebook and the net so maybe if I can think of a decent Internet business idea then at least I will be able to keep in touch with all my 789 great 'friends' without to much trouble. I need these people in my life, I have no idea how I lost touch with them all in the first place but boy, am I glad they are back. So Internet it is, could start a search engine but that seems maybe a tad ambitious even for me. Porn site? No not well hung enough. A something to sell, kind of site maybe? Something for the Brits here that can't speak French (which is most of them btw). Chinese restaurant perhaps? I like the food and Lucy is a great cook but restaurants are just too much like hard work plus all the customers will be asking for instructions on how to use Chop-Sticks and the business will have gone down the Yangtze
River before you can say egg fried rice. Stupid idea, and I don't know what made me think of that to be honest!
It is inside my head for sure and I know it will pop out soon, I just have to keep thinking but at least I know this time next year I will have the boys from Google offering me zillions of dollars which is some kind of small step in the right direction.
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