Another great three hour meeting of two magnificent minds, with probably our most golden nugget being the decision to not only help the hip becoming hipper and the busy become busier but now we are going to make sure all our GAY friends (Mark, Dave, Chris) have somewhere to go OUT too, after all, what is the point of 'coming out' if your stuck at home bored. Great for them and great for the new site because it gives us a bigger target market and them something to look forward to. We tried googling (that's a search term and not an obscene act btw) French Riviera and the word gay and all we found was Pierre the carefree and lively lavender farmer up the backend of Provence. We are so fired up about this project, now and every day things just seem to be evolving into what can only be a surefire success.
PS: This guy is not meant to be representative of the gay community and is just a possible example of someone who could possible be gay.
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