I live here on The French Riviera, am bored and need to do something for work. We have an events management company but it is seasonal and we get a lot of spare time. I miss the buzz of London and sales but DEFINITELY do not want to come back. I have been exploring a couple of Internet ideas, one of them being dating. Love your site and wonder if you would be interested in chatting?
After a long phone call the next day and a bit of batting e-mails back and forth, there was a firm promise of a price and a seemingly strong interest. I implored her to disassociate me from all things 'Monaco', when she finally gets down to working out the Zloty.
11th November - Olga phoned Wayne:
"Hi Wayne, sorry been really busy but will get back to you tomorrow, I have an important question for you though"...... "OK go for it I said with baited breath" ....... "What star sign are you!!!!!.....Oh dear I thought.
12th November - Olga wrote:
Was stucked in a meat till nearly soon, so hoop you forgived it. I was thought that considering all the high standards but also as you are first client and we really do not know you- maybe we should ask more or even much very more - but GBP 15.000 should be a decent request. Not bad too yes??
12th November - Wayne wrote:
Any chance you could write back in Polish next time please as it might be easier to understand! I have however grasped the part of your letter that says GBP 15,000 and unless this is yet another mistake in translation the the costs are way to expensive and thanks for your time.
13th November - Olga wrote:
Jak są wy? JA było bardzo zajęte wczoraj ale tutaj JA jestem. myślący o interes (handlowy) znowu i był nie co (żeby; który) pewnien. My także licytował (sprzedawał na akcji) cały praca (roboczy) wewnętrznie czwartki nie coak jest zrobiony do takiego wysokiego standardu co (żeby; który) obmyślamy £15.000 jest zbyt niski – my wciąż badają ale być może bliższy (bliżej) £20.000 miał pracować. Także odbijał na czas w tutaj już i jak (ponieważ) jestem w Polsce, płacę za wędrowanie. To byłoby jest już bardziej (więcej) potem £19 nie nawet włączający (włączenie; przyłączający; przyłączenie; włączając) mój
Now she has either a GSOH or is taking the p**s but this is the translation of this according to Babel Fish:
How are you? I was very busy yesterday but here I am. I was thinking of the cost again and am not that sure. The website is however done to such a high standard that we think £15.000 is far too low – we are still researching but maybe closer to £20.000 should work. Also I am investing my time here and as I am in Poland, I'm paying for roaming. It would be already more then £19 not including my time!
So all in all a five grand increase over night and her complaining about a £19 phone bill!
As they say in Poland Do widzenia Olga...
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